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Urgent Appeal

On the Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
“Stop the Genocide in Gaza”/

Geneva December 10th 2024

The crime of genocide committed by Israel since October 7, 2023, in Gaza Strip continues unabated. So far, this has resulted in the killing of 44,363 Palestinian civilians, including 17,581 children, 12,048 women, 1,055 medical personnel, and 190 journalists. Among the victims are also 12,780 students. Israel has completely destroyed 132 schools and universities, partially destroyed 348 others, demolished over 160,500 housing units, deliberately targeted 162 healthcare facilities, and obliterated 134 ambulances.

Currently in Gaza, 12,650 injured individuals urgently require travel abroad for treatment, while 12,500 cancer patients face imminent death due to the lack of medical care. Moreover, Israel has deprived 785,000 students of education, and over 2 million displaced individuals are enduring severe shortages of food and water while living under a total blockade.

The theft of over 2,300 corpses from Gaza cemeteries has been documented, alongside the retrieval of more than 520 bodies from mass graves within hospital premises. The inhumane starvation policy imposed by Israeli forces on areas like Jabalia, Beit Lahia, and Beit Hanoun persists, leaving over 70,000 individuals, mostly children and women, facing death.
These daily heinous massacres and ongoing atrocities committed by Israel constitute some of the gravest crimes against humanity and war crimes, which necessitates holding the perpetrators accountable and bringing them to international justice. Hundreds of documented cases of atrocious crimes further underscore the severity and urgency of addressing these violations.

December 10, 1948, the day the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted, stands as a pivotal moment for uniting the world to prevent and stop genocides like those being perpetrated today in plain sight over the course of 420 days.

The entire world came together after World War II and agreed that the Declaration represents a collective promise from humanity to never again repeat the crimes and violations committed during the war. On the occasion of commemorating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which falls on December 10th of each year, the undersigned organizations and institutions demand urgent and immediate action to:

  1. Take all necessary measures to stop the genocide in Gaza Strip and save the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients, children, women, and civilians before it is too late.
  2. Ensure accountability for those responsible for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
  3. Cease the export of weapons and ammunition to Israel and terminate all cooperation projects with it.
  4. Halt plans to obstruct international justice and criminalize any violations of the principles enshrined in theUniversalDeclaration of Human Rights.

Signatories (10th December 2024 at 11AM Geneva time)

International Union of Jurists (Geneva Office)الاتحاد الدولي للحقوقيين جينف

Palestinian Return Centre (PRC)   مركز العودة لندن UK

Geneva Centre for Democracy and Human Rights / Switzerlandمركز جينيف للديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان سويسرا 

منظمة افدي الدولية لحقوق الانسان بروكسال بلجيكا  AFD International Federation for Human Rights

International Solidarity Foundation (Switzerland)منظمة تضامن لحقوق الانسان / سويسرا

Geneva Council for International Relations and Development / Switzerlandمجلس جينيف للعلاقات الدولية والتنمية

The International Commission to Support Palestinian People’s Rights (ICSPR –

Hashd) الهيئة الدولية لدعم حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني “حشد”

 الائتلاف النقابي العالمي للتضامن مع القدس وفلسطين Global Trade Union Coalition for Solidarity with Jerusalem and Palestine

Jerusalem Charitable Endowment (Sweden) وقف القدس الخير ي السويد

منظمة عدالة واحدة لحقوق الانسان فرنسا One justice for human rights France

Lawyers for Justice in the Near East – Association Avocats pour la Justice au Proche-Orient AJPO France جمعية محامون من أجل العدالة في الشرق الأوسط

Palestine house in Holland (HPH) البيت الفلسطيني في هولندا

الجمعية العامة لحقوق الإنسان والديمقراطية والتضامن  AGDHDS


Observatory for Dignity, Integrity and Transparency – ODIT France مرصد كرامة من أجل الشفافية 

منظمة عدالة وحقوق الكندا – Justice and Rights Organization – Canada

Observatory for Freedoms and Minority Rights – Canada – مرصد الحريات وحقوق الأقليات  – كندا

Together for Freedom and Justice Association- Norway – جمعية معا من أجل الحرية والعدل النرويج

Partners for Peace and Justice – Switzerland – شركاء من أجل السلام والعدل سويسرا

Free Palestine Alliance – Canada – تحالف فلسطين حرة كندا

منظمة أوفياء ايرلندا – Loyal Irish Union

اتحاد الكتاب والمفكرون الاحرار جنوب افريقيا – Free writers and thinkers Union – South Africa

Free for justice alliance – Venezuela – تحالف أحرار من أجل العدالة  فنيزويلا



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